Each student with a disability who is a resident of Shenandoah Valley shall be provided quality education program and services that meet the student’s needs for educational, instructional, transitional, and related services. The special education program shall be designed to comply with law; conformed to district goals; and integrate programs of special education with the regular instructional program of the schools, consistent with the interest of the student with a disability and other students.
Under Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), a child with a disability can be defined as the following: Autism, Deaf/Blindness, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance,Hearing Impaired, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech and Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visual Impairment.
If you believe that your school-age child may be in need of special education screening or evaluation, services are available to you at no cost, upon written request.
Michelle Zinkus, Director of Special Education
(570) 462-1957 EXT 4130
Kelly Savakinas, Secretary to the Director of Special Education
(570) 462-1957
Lesley Matus, School Psychologist
(570) 462-2796
Elementary Special Education Teachers:
Allyson McGinley
Jenna Boland
Angela Huben
Michelle Brochyus
Megan Savitski
Karen Dunn
High School Special Education Teachers:
Amanda Zulkowski
Lori Hess
Danielle Petritsch
Maricia Murtin
Melissa Litwhiler
Speech and Language Pathology:
Dawn Wenrich
Erica Polley
Kiera Van Horn
Emotional Support Teachers
Mark Mamrosh
Kathy Modica
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher:
Lisa Reidler
Autistic Support Teacher:
Melissa Troutman
Occupational Therapy
Valerie Dornsife
Kimberly Mentusky
Social Worker
Jennifer Dayson
Behavioral Interventionist
Joan Matta
There are currently eight co-teaching classrooms at Shenandoah Valley Elementary School. “Co-teaching is two or more people sharing responsibility for teaching all of the students assigned to a classroom (Nevin, Thousand, & Villa, 2008).” The research indicates increased overall achievement for all students. There are many benefits of co-teaching for both students and teachers alike. For students, co- teaching develops respect for differences, opportunities for leadership and growth within the least restrictive environment, improves self- esteem, enables development of friendships, shows increased achievement test scores, etc.
All students have the right to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). If you would like to receive more information about co-teaching, please log on to Parent Hub.
The purpose of the Child Study Team is to implement academic and behavioral interventions to meet the needs of students experiencing difficulty prior to a special education referral. When the student is showing academic or behavioral problems, the teacher will complete the Child Study Referral form. The Child Study Referral form is located in the Elementary Office. The Child Study Referral form will be turned in to the School Counselor.
What is Transition? What does this mean for my child with a disability?
If you have a child with a disability who is 14 - 21 years of age and would like to receive information about the transition process and transition section of an IEP.
Transition Resources for Parents and Community
PA Secondary Transition Events
PEAL Center Events Calendar, sessions for families, youth and professionals
Transitioning to Adult Healthcare
Recorded parent sessions on various transition topics
Self-care tip: practice square breathing daily
Pennsylvania Elks Home Service Program
Transition Assessment Planning Resource
Trello Link with Community Resources
Where and When Is Your Teen Allowed to Work
2025 Resources for Parents (Spanish)
2025 Update Resources for Parents
Fall 2024 Transition Parent Information Sessions
October issue of Schuylkill IU29 Special Education News
S.N.A.P. (Special Needs Assessment Program) is a disaster preparedness tool provided by your county government. For more information visit Help Your Emergency Responders Help You!
Free Fare Fridays - Ride any S.T.S. Fixed Route Bus for FREE!!
Advice from the OT - Why Good Sitting = Good Listening
PA's Supplementary and Aids Toolkit - An Overview for Parents
The Special Ed Evaluation/IEP Process
The Special Ed Evaluation/IEP Process
The Special Ed Reevaluation/IEP Process
The Special Ed Reevaluation/IEP Process
Career Readiness Opportunities : Register for the SAT : Occupational Outlook Handbook - This is a guide to career information about hundreds of occupations! : O Net online - Find occupations. :Find a college that's right for you!
FAFSA information : Apply for Federal Student Aid (Financial Aid)
Act Student : Register for the ACT
Free Community Meals and Events 2025
Council for Exceptional Children
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN)
Schuylkill County Intermediate Unit #29
Schuylkill Technology Center (STC) applications
Sign Up for the Selected Service 18 years and older
Use the following links to find information
SAT - College Board
ACT - ACT Student
ACT Question of the Day
Test Guide : ASVAB Practice Tests